Experienced truck camper enthusiasts appreciate the lightweight and natural characteristics, as well as the durability of the Super Lite Truck Campers by Travel Lite RV.Our solid wood construction compared to the one-inch foam and glue composite walls being assembled by our competition is much stronger. Foam and glue manufacturing may add speed to an assembly line and cost less to produce, but wood offers the best solution for strength, durability, weight savings, and ease of repair. Because we choose to use the best products, our customers can take any trail knowing that their Travel Lite will withstand the abuse. OPTIONS ADDED: Wireless Electric Jacks, Stainless Microwave, 13.5kbtu Fiberglass Exter w/ Diamond Plate Nose GuardFiberglass Front CapTPO Roof MembraneBlack Diamond Plate Knee WallFresh Water TankOn-Demand Tankless Hot Water HeaterSingle Bowl Stainless Steel SinkHigh Rise Kitchen FaucetShur-Flo Water Pump40AMP Converter3-Way Refrigerator2-Burner Stainless Steel Stovetop12,000 BTU Furnace2000lbs Convertible Jacks w/Pre-Wire for ElectricHD TV/AM/FM AntennaOutside Shower20lbs LP TankDetachable 30 AMP Power CordBargman Power CordSolar Panel PrepPorta-Potty DRY WEIGHT 1436EXTERIOR LENGTH 135''EXTERIOR WIDTH 87''FRONT EXTERIOR WIDTH 48''REAR EXTERIOR WIDTH 48''INTER